Reviews, Journal Edition, Publications

1. Reviewer for the international Journals

2. Editor:

Journal Editor: Wołk, K., Wołk, A., Skubis, I., Alorda, B.,: Special Issue "AI in IoT and Embedded Devices in Smart Cities" – 2023 This special issue belongs to the section "Computer Science & Engineering"

Journal Editor: Wołk, K., Skubis, I., Grześ, T.,: Special Issue "Creative and Generative Natural Language Processing and Its Applications" – 2022: Electronics (ISSN 2079-9292). This special issue belongs to the section "Computer Science & Engineering" – 100 points

Journal Editor “Studia Neofilologiczne”

Assistance in journal edition: “The New Educational Review” Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek (2020)



Skubis, I., Wodarski, K., 2023, Humanoid robots in managerial positions – decision-making process and human oversight, in: Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology, no. 189, [in print]

Skubis, I., Wodarski, K., Boch, A., 2023, Language in the human-technology era. New terminology on the sex (robot) market –“digisexuality”, “technosexuality” and “robosexuality” – a multilingual analysis and survey among students, in: Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology, no.189, [in print]

Skubis, I., EU guidelines on roboethics and ethics of sex robots, 2024, in: Luetge, Ch., Kriebitz, A., Introduction to Digital Ethics, Edward Elgar [in print]

Akahome , J.E., Skubis, I., 2024, Gender Bias and Family Business Leadership in Africa: Evidence from Nigeria, in: Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Family Firms: Perspectives On Emerging Economies, Emerald Publishing [in print]

Skubis I., Akahome J., Wodarski K., 2023, Exploring the characteristics, motivation, challenges, and support system of female social entrepreneurs in Nigeria, [in:] Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Śląskiej. Organizacja i Zarządzanie, no. 180, p.603-628. DOI:

Skubis, I., Akahome, J., Bijańska, J., 2023, Green innovations in healthcare sector in Nigeria , [in:] Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology – Organization and Management Series, no. 176,

Skubis, I., Akahome, J., Bijańska, J., 2023, The brain drain syndrome and the role of responsible leadership in health care service organisation in Nigeria , [in:] Scientific Papers of Silesian University of Technology – Organization and Management Series, no. 176,

Skubis, I., Akahome, J., 2022, Exploring transformational customer experience in digital banking: an exploratory study, [in:] Organization & Management Scientific Quarterly, no 3. – in print, p. 97-112 (November 2023), DOI:10.29119/1899-6116.2022.59.7

Skubis, I., 2022, Pluricentrism in Education and Communication – lexical differences in English and German varieties – outcomes of the research, [in:] Kultura i Edukacja, p. 143-164

Skubis, I., 2022, The importance of co-teaching in teaching German varieties, [in:] Pituła, B., Kowalski, M., [ed.] Co-teaching - everyday life or terra incognita of contemporary education?, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Verlag, p. 223–236

Skubis, I., Wołk, A., Skowrońska, H., 2021,Multilingual Chatbot for E-Commerce: Data Generation and Machine Translation , PACIS 2021 Proceedings 232, p.1-14 – 140 points

Skubis, I., Wołk, K., Wołk, A., Wnuk, D., Grześ, T., 2021, Survey on Dialogue Systems including Slavic Languages, [w:] Neurocomputing – 140 points

Skubis, I., 2021, Językoznawstwo jako bezpieczna dyscyplina dla badań nad sztuczną inteligencją, [in:] Fischer, B., Pązik, A., Świerczyński, M., Prawo sztucznej inteligencji i nowych technologii, Warszawa, Wolters Kluwer, p. 169-181.

Book: Skubis, I., 2020,Pluricentryzm języka niemieckiego w języku prawa karnego Niemiec, Austrii i Szwajcarii, Toruń, Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek

Skubis, I., 2020, Skrypty nauk ścisłych w kontekście badań nad metajęzykiem, [in:] Półrocznik Językoznawczy Tertium. Tertium Linguistic Journal 5 (2), 221-242.

Skubis, I., 2017, English and German as pluricentric languages, in: Continuity and change. And what next?, Katowice, Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Ochroną Pracy, p. 94-110

Skubis, I., 2016, Book review, Kubacki, A. D., Wybór dokumentów austriackich dla kandydatów na tłumaczy przysięgłych. / Auswahl österreichischer Dokumente für Kandidaten zum beeideten Übersetzer/Dolmetscher, in: Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication, vol. 24/2015. Poznań, p. 143-147

Skubis, I., 2016, Analyse du texte scientifique – les metatextemes, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, nr 31, p. 83-96.

Skubis, I., 2016, From monocentric to pluricentric language – variations of the German language, in: Modern language and culture. Where do we go..., Katowice, p. 56-73

Skubis, I., 2016, Austrian Variation of German language, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, p. 149-160

Skubis, I., 2016, Codificiation of German varieties in dictionaries, in: The 12th International conference on European Conference on Languages, Literature and Linguistics, Vienna: «East West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH, p. 26-32

Skubis, I., 2016, Pluricentryzm języka niemieckiego w nauczaniu języka ogólnego i specjalistycznego, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, nr 31, p. 97-104.

Skubis, I., 2016, Book review, Renata Czaplikowska, Artur Dariusz Kubacki, Methodik des Unterrichts Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Lehr- und Übungsbuch für künftige DaF-Lehrende. In: Słupskie Prace Filologiczne, p. 309-312

Skubis, I., 2016, Book review, Tanja Wissik, Terminologische Variation in der Rechts- und Verwaltungssprache. Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz., in: Comparative Legilinguistics. International Journal for Legal Communication, v. 27, p. 85-89

Skubis, I., 2015, Scientext and scientific discourse analysis, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, nr 23, v. I, p.157-169

Skubis, I., 2015, The impact of German and French on English Language, in: Continuity and change. To be continued.., Katowice, p. 25-40

Skubis, I., 2015, Austriacka odmiana języka niemieckiego, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, nr 27, v. II, p. 151-160

Skubis, I., 2015, Judicial translation – problems with translating judicial decisions in German, in: Language for Specific Purposes Perspectives, p.139-150

Skubis, I., 2015, Probleme des Dolmetschens und Übersetzens der Rechtssprache, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, nr 28, p. 19-28

Skubis, I., 2015, Variétés de la langue allemande, in: Episteme czasopismo naukowo-kulturalne, Kraków, nr 28, p. 29-40